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World diabetes day

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World diabetes day

Since then, Diabetes Day is celebrated every year around the world to raise awareness of this worrying health problem. This year's World Diabetes Day is an opportunity to emphasize the urgent need to increase access to diabetes diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications and to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes. The theme for this year's festival is "Access to Diabetes Care", which aims to raise awareness that millions of people with diabetes worldwide do not have access to diabetes care.

Patients with diabetes need ongoing care and support to manage their condition and avoid complications. Patients with diabetes need to control their condition to reduce and avoid long-term complications.

Diabetes is a major cause of many serious health problems, and awareness is the key. By revitalizing conversations about health, wellness, and disease prevention, Diabetes Day offers a great opportunity to learn more and get involved.

World Diabetes Day was first announced in 1991 when it was established by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization. With the growing number of diabetes cases worldwide, it has been decided to choose a day of the year for diabetes awareness, related health problems, and possible causes. The day began in 1991 when the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the WHO decided to take the initiative to raise awareness about diabetes as the number of people suffering from the disease grew worldwide. Worldwide on 14 November, World Diabetes Day raises awareness and provides information on the disease that affects more than 400 million adults worldwide.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to insufficient production and production of insulin, which is responsible for regulating glucose levels in the pancreas. When it comes to diabetes, it is important to draw attention to prediabetes, a condition characterized by an increase in blood sugar but not high enough to meet the needs of diabetes. This is a critical phase because timely safety measures can be an important factor in determining whether the body is adhering to type 2 diabetes.

If there is both high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, the risk of heart attack or stroke and other complications (such as kidney disease and cataracts) is higher. This is the reason why clinic nutritionist Rupali Datta prescribes adequate medication and nutritious food to patients with diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization, about 422 million people worldwide have diabetes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1.6 million people died of diabetes in 2016. By 2045 an estimated 629 million adults will be diabetic. By 2019, about 463 million adults worldwide (one in 11) were living with diabetes, half of which are still unknown.

The country has the second-highest number of cases in the world, and experts believe it could reach 134 million in another 30 years. A sedentary lifestyle, coupled with an increase in fast food consumption, was expected to increase the incidence of diabetes. India suffers from high blood pressure and high blood pressure, with an estimated 77 million people with diabetes. It is a lifestyle disease that affects nearly 537 million adults worldwide. This alarming increase in preventable diseases is one of the reasons why WHO and the IDF want to celebrate World Diabetes Day to help spread the word about how to avoid getting the disease.

Experts estimate that approximately 463 million people worldwide have diabetes, in the form of type 2 diabetes which should be treated with insulin sensitizers, approximately 90% of patients. However, one in two people who need insulin to treat type 2 diabetes do not get it, as the incidence is increasing in low- and middle-income countries and their insulin use are not commensurate with the growing burden of disease.

The report also notes that although three-quarters of people with type 2 diabetes live outside of North America and Europe, they make up less than 40 percent of insulin sales. With three to four people with diabetes living in low- and middle-income countries, access to diabetes care is inextricably linked to availability and affordability. A new report released by WHO yesterday in WDD highlights the alarming state of global insulin access and diabetes care and shows that high rates, limited human insulin availability, few prominent insulin producers, and health systems are major barriers to accessing Universal.

Every November 14 is celebrated World Diabetes Day, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who discovered insulin, and Charles Best in 1922. World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14 every year to celebrate Jazz's birthday. Frederick Banting, who discovered the insulin hormone with Charles Herbert Best in 1922. situation.

The Global Diabetes Walk is a global diabetes awareness campaign conducted every November. This is a journey designed by you according to the rules and circumstances in which you live. This means that the diabetes community around the world is united in responding to the diabetes epidemic.

To celebrate this day, many health professionals, companies, celebrities, and politicians are organizing various diabetes awareness events. Thank you so much for any help or support you can give us in this endeavor, so check out this World Diabetes Day November 14 and join your social media feeds using the hashtag #WorldDiabetesDay. In recent years, these efforts have become increasingly important worldwide, with World Diabetes Day being held annually on November 14, the birthday of Drs. Frederick Bunting, one of the pioneers of insulin.

As one in 2 people need insulin that they cannot afford or cannot afford, and because life-saving diabetes is not available to millions of others, the screams of war must be heard and considered. Earlier this year, we published an editorial to increase racial and social inequalities in diabetes care and outcomes for children and youth in England with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Under the age of 20, he was living with type 1 diabetes, and diabetes was estimated at $ 760. Billions of dollars in health care spending, resulting in an astonishing 10% spending on health care worldwide.

But this is a rare situation. Lifestyle management is a very important factor in the management of diabetes, especially for people who are diabetic. There have been several studies around the world that show that the opposite can happen if you guide people with prediabetes, exercise regularly, control their diet, and make them lose weight. In most cases, a third of the patients are living with prediabetes and a third are developing diabetes. He adds, for people with diabetes, low blood pressure may provide better protection against stroke, which is why regular blood pressure monitoring, blood sugar testing, and lifestyle changes need to be made.

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