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My first Love with her

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My first Love with her

Photo by Zou Meng on Unsplash

I have a friend who is in love with his current girlfriend and is looking for his first love. I'm not sure what he found at the end of their meeting, so I decided to write to him to help him with his questions.

“The future for me is already a thing of the past -

You were my first love and you will be my last”

- Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan

Let us ask you a few questions so that you can decide whether it is a good idea to be friends with your first love or not. If so, answer these questions as best you can if you can be friends with someone who is in love with someone else. If it is someone else, you may have questions about what it is like to live this way and what is important to you in your own life.

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According to Davis, first love will not be good, deep love. It is the intensity of the first love that translates into feelings of love for the person and his memories. The first love marks a phase of personal growth and development, a time in which one can make new experiences and confront one's fears.

“I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say.”

― Daphne du Maurier

As a result, a relationship can help determine who you are and how you operate in the world, and it could be the first time that you allow someone who does not influence you to exert a significant influence on you.

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Representing your youth, your first love may remind you of a time when the possibilities seemed endless and so much in life felt new and exciting. Love is something special, and this person may uniquely be moved. You and your first loved one may have been in constant communication, even if it was only for a year, and you may have a solid friendship to tell.

“I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.”

― Nicholas Sparks

Reflecting on your first love may evoke a multitude of "ifs and buts," but considering what might have been if you had made a different choice at this crucial point in your life.

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Sometimes the thoughts of first love may not relate to the first love you had at any point in your life. The first love can mark a phase of personal growth and development, a time of new experiences and confrontation with one's own fears. In part, inspiration from first love can have a positive effect on you, if there is one.

“There's no love like the first.”

― Nicholas Sparks

When one goes away from the first love, it can be discouraging to realize that one can never create this kind of love again. Your first love can evoke memories of your youth and a time that seemed so easy when looking back through the eyes of an adult. The longing for this first love could be a longing for a return to that time.

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Nothing special can make us experience love for the first time so intense and special. The sheer excitement of feeling love for the first time will be etched in sweet memories forever.

“You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person and why.”

― John Green

When we feel the chemical intoxication of first falling in love, it is natural to connect this experience with our first love. It is the kind of love that makes us experience a different kind of pain and hurt for the first time.

Just because you fell in love with a person for the first time does not mean that he is the object of your desire in the present.

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Here are five hard truths every time you think about your first lover. The little person we fell in love with is imprinted in our hearts and minds.

For me, I had a beautiful relationship with my first love and although she broke my heart, I will never forget the kindness she brought to my life and how she shaped me into who I am today. I've never felt so much for another relationship, but I've never been able to keep it out of my head. Our paths have made me grateful that she was her first love.

“Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.”

- E.A. Bucchianeri

There will be no rekindling, but I think you realize that and I think, if you are honest, there is a small but deep part of you that wishes you could at least rekindle it. There's something magical about the world and how you see life unfold when you stay with someone and confirm what's happening.

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In a way, first love is more important because it is the first time you have truly loved someone outside the family. Not surprisingly, the remaining majority of her first love was her third or fourth relationship. This is compared to the handful of people who said they had unpleasant feelings about their first loved one in their new relationship.

“A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man.”

― Charles Dickens

Some people have bittersweet memories of their first love, but that doesn't bother them. It puts a smile on the faces of the people we spoke to during the research phase of this article.

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More than 30 years later, I am not my first lover in the numerical sense, but my first real love in an all-embracing way that indicates her inexorable presence in parts of my memory that I cannot control.

“I have never been in love before," Julian said. "You're my first-and you'll be my only.”

- L.J. Smith

The first love is a powerful and all-encompassing memory, happy and sad at the same time, and if I know that I have loved it, I will never envy people who marry their first love. It ended 12 years ago and although she was married to other people, my first love was the love of my life. When I first contacted her many years later, it was through a friend, and I wanted her back in my life, albeit in a small way.

This was all about my first Love, We all had that best moment in life, A life blessed with love is the great power a human can ever achieve.

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