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In this age of social media and text messages, books have become obsolete.

No one goes to the post office and we would prefer to stay home and send a nice DM or GIF to our romantic interests.

How does this work? Be a judge.

The books on the other hand that I can attest to leave a lasting impression. They are the best examples of true love now in this microwave generation.

First, you have something physical to learn 10 years from now, and the fact that someone has taken his or her time to think about you and write a few nice words is an act.

Whether you want to surprise your man with his birthday, his birthday, or announce your interest in winning this Valentine’s Day, a book is a great place to start.

Here's how to put one together for use with your love letter.

i. Start with greeting

This may sound obvious but you will be amazed at how easy it is to forget especially if you have never written a love letter before.

Cut the official. You are not applying for a job. Keep it simple and where you should use their pet name. For example, you could write, ‘to my one and only love,’ or ‘sweet Esther.’

Think about those lines, and you will pay attention to them.

ii. Keep their attention

If your first paragraph is boring, they may not finish the book. They have always been interested in defining memory or shared sharing. Such people.

Think of these lines, 'when I first saw you, I knew we were meant to be together forever,' or 'the first time I spoke to you I knew there was something special about you.'

Books are great examples of true love (Shutterstock)

iii. Get a compliment

We all love compliments whether we want to approve it or not.

Hearing what a person thinks about you is very interesting and makes things happen in your mind. These things can make or break the chances of a relationship that could arise if you write a letter to your crush.

iv. Help them

Make them smile by saying something hot. Remember that you are trying to evoke a feeling in them so don't be too serious.

Express how you feel about throwing a cheese line or just a joke you understand.

This will retain the light of the book and he will be beating every time they remember the book or when they see it.

Some combinations create a place for flirting and being in danger.

v. State your purpose

Why are you writing this book? Let that come out clearly. While doing so, don’t make them feel compelled to feel a certain way or need to do anything like respond to your letter.

Let things flow physically.

Remember, the purpose of a love letter is to make the recipient feel loved, loved, desired and special. Consider how to say it to paint that message clearly.

Also, if you know some of their love languages ​​go the extra mile and 'speak for yourself'.

Whether it’s a birthday present for them, spending quality time over a love candlelit for dinner, or words of confession, include. it. 

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